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Sixty years producing successful youth. Today, our house is old, weary and beat up.


Please donate to our building project

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Our School Today
Our School Tomorrow....With Your Help



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Hello, my name is Oscar Fariñas, from the first batch of Pasuquin Academy graduates, Class of 1965.

I am spearheading a campaign to raise funds for a new school building. Sadly, the present facilities are badly rundown after having served the community for almost 60 years.

Improvements have been modest over the years, but these ensured continuance of education nonetheless. Thanks to alumni and alumni groups that had donated for construction of classrooms in the past. And while these acts of generosity are most appreciated, the school continues to struggle for a new building that will allow education to be had in an environment much more conducive to learning, and befitting an institution around for so long that has produced thousands of successful youth. 

I left for Canada in 1974, worked with Toronto architect/engineering firms, and was thankful for the opportunities I had had. On the sidelines, I founded Philippine Heritage Band (www.phband.com), a volunteer youth-adult marching band whose goal is to make  Filipinos visible on mainstream Canada.  It has since become the pride of Filipinos, acclaimed as one of the best-run Filipino charitable non-profit in its class in Canada. In 2020, I revived The Pasuquin Historical Society, started in 2000 by my late uncle Isabelo A. Lagac but became dormant since he died in 2010. These charity works are my way of giving back to the communities that shaped my life.

And now, PHSIN/Pasuquin Academy. Our goal is to raise P20M pesos. Foremost, I appeal to alumni for your help by pooling our resources together. You will feel better having given back to the school that helped shape your life also. You can donate as one, or sponsor a room as a group, or donate in a loved one’s memory.


Let’s assume that there are 2000 alumni out there. And when each one donates at least P2000, we would have had P4million pesos. Those among you who have more to pitch in will raise the fund even more. Then we turn to friends, sons, daughters, grandparents and other relatives, our doctors, dentists and others. Then we appeal to corporations and local establishments. If a donor would rather give construction materials,  we will accept them too! All donors will be acknowledged, and receipts issued. Please click on a button on this page to donate or make a pledge. Or click here for more information.

Thank you.

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