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All hail, Pasuquin Academy,

thy sons and daughters sing..

(t h e   o l d   s c h o o l   s o n g)

Image by Glenn Carstens-Peters
Image by Nikhita S
Image by Tim Mossholder
Image by Sharon McCutcheon


The idea of organizing a private high school in Pasuquin, Ilocos Norte has long been thought of by many townspeople. But there was no reality to such worthy venture until two young men who graduated from different universities in the United States of America initiated the project. With the spirit of goodwill, Mr. Alejandro Bernardino who was the first Director-Principal, and Mr. Lino Onnagan aroused the feeling, enthusiasm and cooperation among several individuals to form a corporation. These young men, after having drafted the Constitution and By Laws for incorporation, called the first meeting. The year was 1962. Pasuquin Academy was born!

The corporation as organized was called Pasuquin Academy. The said institution was backed up by many “pensionados” (pensioners) and some interested parties and generous people of Pasuquin.

The institution opened with a Freshman Class, and the plan was that other classes would  be added until it became a complete general secondary school. On July 3, 1967, the school was  recognized by the government as a complete Secondary School under the 2-2 Plan by then Secretary of Education Hon. Carlos P. Romulo. The first batch graduated earlier in 1965.

Pasuquin Academy ended its recognition life in 2017, and had to renew its registration. At this point, the Board of Trustees opted to change the school’s name into PASUQUIN HIGH SCHOOL OF ILOCOS NORTE, INC. It received recognition for another 50 years. .

With the new name, the institution continuous to grow and develop with increasing number of students and improving and developing facilities. In 2018, Batch 1965 visited the institution and offered to extend its support by advocating construction of a new two-storey building project initiated by alumni Architect Oscar Fariñas.


Curriculum : The school offers the K-12 curriculum, that is, complete secondary education (Junior High School, Grade 7 thru 10; and Senior High School, General Academic Strand), with Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and Bread and Pastry as elective. Including the Principal, the school has 12 teachers and staff.

Campus lockdown: in recognition of parents’ efforts in sending their child to school, gates are locked immediately after flag raising ceremony in early morning. This prevents students from cutting classes. Lockdown is in effect during classes up to 11:50 am, and again at 1:00pm until 4:00pm. Students are not permitted to go out of campus during lockdown period.

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